Monday, January 10, 2011

You don't have to choose between a turd sandwich and a giant douche

         I know it's a radical thought but can choosing the best of the worst be getting old fast? Choosing nothing means than a turd sandwich or a giant douche wins anyways. Not that choosing will keep them from winning, but it can't, and doesn't hurt. It's a sad truth that a good percentage of the public doesn't even know that there are more than two candidates in every race. It seems politics = democrat v republican in my lifetime and that's not at all what this country was meant to be. Partisanship is nothing but a puppet act to polarize the people in to perpetuating the agenda of elites that benefit greatly from our ignorance to the real issues.
     Every time an election year/season comes around most people either crawl into their shells or run to the hills to support one of the iconic figures of the day. That's just what presidents are; icons. They are bread to become a piece of the puzzle that is this theatre persisting on giving us a good show (which is what they ultimately do) and boy do we love it or hate it. either way things roll on. See, this system isn't meant to travel to tyranny at light speed but at constant speed. I wouldn't call what they've done slow but steady it surely has been.
     So when the shit hits the fan i hope the truth has already landed in your lap. Because I don't know about you but I'm not into the whole FEMA camp thing or being tortured and help without my rights. It doesn't strike me as fun. So next time there's a decision you have to make; make sure you know all your choices and what those choices will ultimately mean for you and I and all of us.
By: Alex Wyatt