Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A call to some scared Mythbusters. Alex vs. Discovery Channel

     So I woke up from my sleep and had what I thought might be a good idea. I thought why not just have the Mythbusters do a 9/11 show. I mean, they did a whole show on the obvious fact that we went to the moon. Among many other myths that are ridiculous in comparison to such like this.
     So I figured this wasn't a bad plan, they always ask for people to send them in myths to bust. Well, I felt like the kid from "A Christmas Story" when the thought came to me. Then before I could even get an account on the site I began to think I can't be the only one who was done this. And boy I wasn't wrong in thinking that. When I finally got into their forum I went directly to their “submit a myth: historical facts” link (it was like fate if nothing else).
     This is proof that the people want this done. 18645 and growing have visited the very top link on their site telling people to not send in 9/11 myths. It's almost laughable until your eyes well up and you realize that this is real. I want to think that people are not stupid to the point in which we can’t understand basic physics, political science, economics, and history. Most have just come to the point in which they block everything but what they know to be what is wanted to be heard. Because all else outside the box is radical and you know this internet thing will turn you into a terrorist through and through. ;) well let's see if the Mythbusters take me seriously with my clear statement to them that I will do all that I can do end boycott/Mythbusters and discovery for that matter because I feel it can't be them calling the shots for their show. In either case I hope anyone and everyone joins the boycott beginning in 9 days and 11 hours if they do not respond to my post by then. Here it is: hopefully they haven't erased the posting and reposted it so it does't have 18645 views on it. They must not have even noticed it. Let's make it have some more views and requests for 9/11 myths to be busted (like the whole 9/11 commision).