Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Patriot Act not unlike a Nazi law (who da thunk it? ;)

     This is a piece of an article that only amplifies the voices of the people who have been outraged at what the patriot act has done. I will save my thoughts on this for a future post and because there's just to much to say at this moment. I got this article from infowars.com titled "Patriot Act, a Nazi law: Ex-CIA official" (under the war on terror section of the articles). Sometimes I'm just teh messenger_but don't kill the messenger.
     "The United States Patriot Act is similar to the legislation carried out by the Nazi Germany in the World War II era, a former CIA officer says,“The Patriot Act was similar to legislation carried out by the Nazis because essentially it was using terrorism in both cases as an excuse to strip civil liberties that were enjoyed in both countries; in the United States and Germany,” Phillip Giraldi said in an interview with Press TV.
“Governments have been willing to use fear, such as fear of terrorism, and fear of the enemy, as a way to get the people lined up in support of government policies. Very often these policies are essentially bad for the people because they take away many of their rights,” the former CIA officer said."