Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mass murder or tool to strip away more rights? Could it be both?

     As it is all that is being talked about I figured I'd throw my two cents into this madness that is the mass media. First, to make sure I'm not having words put in my mouth, I would be glad to say that I do not endorse, nor support in any fashion, violence in any fashion. It only exuberates the cycle of violence that is this system. Now that that's been said I also do not see this event in the same light as it has been spotlighted in. Many events such as this have been used in the pass to pass legislation that does nothing in the end but strip the people of rights and riches. What the fuck could you be thinking could be what you are thinking of me that I take such a horrific event and find a lining that doesn't happen to be silver. All I'm saying is it wouldn't at all be the first time the government used events or even created/funded events that would later be used at our expense (and rights and freedoms don’t come cheap).
     I'm not positive what will follow this event nor do I claim to be a mind reader, prophet, or psychic of any kind but I do know when things smell fishy and when history repeats itself it becomes easier to analyze such events because the elite repeat themselves with things that have been successful in the past. A perfect example of this is Hitler bombing his own German parliament building and blaming it on "communists". Sound familiar? It should; when you look at the rhetoric that was pouring out of our former president Bush after 9/11 alongside what was being said by the German dictator, it sounds almost identical. In fact if you put a quote of each side by side; not a person in the world would see any difference. Because as Hitler himself said if you tell a lie enough it will eventually become truth. If you look at the process/mindset of the people of Germany under Hitler it is not unlike the mindset of individuals in our country under Bush and/or now under Obama. And under them is exactly where we place ourselves, metaphorically and literally. We create these idols as much as they were meant to be placed into that position.
     We, as much or more as any aspect, are solidifying this sour system that soils souls with certainty and deprives them of true freedom and peace. War cannot equal peace. Peace cannot equal war. So why are we being told and believing any different? Well I can answer one of those questions, the other I'll forward to you out there because I don't see a reason for believing such ignorance in any circumstance even after a (false flag) attack such as a pearl harbor or 9/11. Not at all to say that this guy was brought up to do this but in many other cases they were. Tim McVeigh was trained by the army in explosives and claimed to be a CIA patsy as did Lee Harvey Oswald and many others. Hell, Sirhan Sirhan (the assassin of Robert Kennedy) had to be put into hypnosis to "remember" or relive the events that took place. (Long story and slightly off topic but I recommend the viewing of R.F.K Must Die, a documentary film all about the assassination of R.F.K, has in depth research into Sirhan Sirhan).
     So to answer my own question: mass murder, a tool to strip away more rights, or both? I will clearly say that this was a mass murder and there is nothing that can justify that but I'm afraid that it will also be used as a tool to pass through legislations as they did after the Oklahoma state bombing, the 93' world trade bombing (which was funded and carried out by the F.B.I proven by taped phone conversations by the man who the F.B.I was trying to make the patsy for the event), 9/11 (enough said), and now this event following the events that took place almost simultaneously across the country involving "terrorists" that were drug along by F.B.I informants and "were stopped just in time before they could have committed such acts" (even though the F.B.I informants were undoubtedly who placed the motives and ideas into their head). We need to wake up to the fact that we have been lied to and we will be lied to again, especially when WE KEEP EATING AND ENJOYING ALL THIS BS THAT IS FED TO US WITH A SILVER SPOON.
By: Alex Wyatt