Sunday, January 16, 2011


writing left handed

i once was just like many others
a right hand man of the insidious system
i am a man that you could say bothers
a radical chef of thought with all but one ingredient imprisoned
i once ate emotions without even knowing what they were
and who was i to ask why they tasted funny?
i knew, fishy, they were
but i knew nothing else
i didn’t wish to find out for myself
i didn’t wish to be sung too
or to sing to myself
i wrestled with writing left handed
and I still sometimes write with my right
we are shown that right handed is right
and hell, if you were left handed
around or before the time my grandma was a child
you certainly dealt with discomfort and disarray
simply because you did things in a considerably different way
yet some still do things more efficiently and constructively
with that left-listed hand
and some still succumb to change and pressure
even knowing the grass in left field, for them,
is always greener and Freer
others say we shall all end up in the center
ambidextrous beings, seeing and opening up all possibilities
feeling things with both hands
the world could be an open book
with visceral vacations to find on either side
yet why does there only have to be two sides or any sides at all?
why do we always have to choose between left and right?
is left right?
is right right?
are either right?
i, myself, enjoy a straight forward yes or no question
yet i can’t stand being told to choose
between two hands of the same person
all my life i was only waiting for a moment not unlike this; to fly
or at least to see
waiting for this moment; to be Free
see; i was flying in the dark for far too long
and my wings had grown rapidly weak
yet my eyes adjusted to the light
and my wings seem to have gained strength with each flight
and for that i know that it doesn’t seem to matter to me
whether i use my left hand, my right hand, or my feet to write
it is the intention and reflection that counts
it is the compilation of coinciding thoughts into one
that amounts to immortal greatness
or at least in a few mortals to discuss
we look at writings from millennia ago
as for which hand they used to be immortal
i don't intend to know
unless i'm not speaking of hands at all
i can see with my eyes between the ears that help me hear
but all i know for certain is i and those not hiding behind a curtain of lies
so i will write to contrast like a blackbird to the bluest of skies
and still blend in as a peddle of grass would to a field
until time removes the layers from the cake that consists of crucial meaning
so you can’t find me without being fascinated and Free
and that is no mistake
because what you find for yourself
brings the brain, the heart, and the spirit
the biggest yield
as the horse can be led to water through the field, but not forced to drink
a being can be led to Freedom, but not forced to be Free, only forced to be kn their knees
Freedom never comes with force
but like water is the resulting wish of the horse
beings will always dream of Freedom
the trick is knowing what Freedom is
and often that can be tricky
a lesson for the road
never eat anything that smells fishy
no matter what hand you use
we tend to scarf up everything in our path
laying off what the other path holds
i, myself, enjoy places that wouldn’t dare be called a path
places to find Freedom’s past
and the wrath of natural forces
because however natural we think we are
with every action and force we exuberate
we look ever more so from afar
yet this is our home now and for times to come
so let’s keep it from ending up even more ajar
and i'll keep up with my bizzarre rhymes for Freedom

By: Alex Wyatt

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