Sunday, January 9, 2011


       I talk to numerous amounts of people of all personalities and political views quite frequently that blow me away when, almost no matter their views, they still will stand up for the big business backed WW1 and WW2. The American people wanted nothing to do with these wars before the Lusitania was torpedoed because it was purposefully sent into German waters knowing it will be shot down. There was even an article ran the day of the Lusitania leaving America that stated that if you got on this ship you were basically committing suicide. So of course it got torpedoed and of course the big bankers and businessman used this to persuade Wilson into war. Wilson has many quotes on how he is disgusted on how a few powerful people have overtaken the control of the country. And of course he helped that along as their puppet by pushing through the Federal Reserve act, the federal income tax, the League of Nations (which failed but became the United Nations) and the end of sound money at all as we knew it. Our currency is but a figure of our imagination; just real enough to keep things flowing for the majority but never the minority. What we do not need is a worldwide military industrial complex or a countrywide one for that matter.
Let’s wake up and view history in a new light. We were surely lied to by our politicians/teachers/parents/peers/business/media and we wonder why they would want to lie. The $$$ is unbelievable. More money was made off of war (by a select few) then anything in our history. This is one reason why people are easily conned into thinking that war is the answer to our problems
-"it brings money to the masses"(bullshit_ it made money for top shelf big wigs)
-"WW2 got us out of the great depression" (bullshit _these wars and the inflation and debt the persisted through and through were the main creators of the crisis. not to mention the fact that the people were now having there labor taxed. when will it end some probably though. Well, wouldn't they be sad to see that it has only escalated and gotten worse exponentially.
-"we need to fight for our freedom our we wont be safe"(bullshit _as Thomas Jefferson said, "Those who will trade liberty to obtain security will have none and deserve neither.")
If this sounds like you then ask yourself some questions
If this sounds like you then wake up and smell the collectivism.
By: Alex Wyatt