Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The past, present, and future are in front of our faces to see

      I often think about my future and what will be of it. It is something we all struggle with and stand flat footed and googly eyed over; the future. oooooo aaaaaaawwwww... It is the thing that has not been shaped yet, except in the heads of billions. It is on everyone's mind and in everyone's thoughts here and there from day to day. We think about the future often more than we think about the past. We have sayings like looking towards the future straight ahead of you and never looking back. Well sadly that has shaped our citizenry into a mold of beings that are slave to the time, to the future. This does not mean that I think we should not look to the future, but that I think a large sum of people who “look to the future” are really masking the past and mismanaging the present.
      We also here many who say we must always live in the present without focusing or viewing the past or the future (certainly another common theme in today's world). Often this is the most detrimental but sometimes it can slide you by because of coincidences and you will find that the universe has it's ways for each of us (not forgetting that free will and everyday choices that we as beings make to hopefully better the world and ourselves are the last defense against wrong doing).
      Others live strictly in the past and will not move on from old traditions or practices of the past; whether good, or bad. This has its ups and downs and many have found true security and serenity in a surrounding not unlike the Amish lifestyle in which the future is only a growth of the past from the same forest. Yet this also brings up those whom see fit to hold a man captive as a slave against their free will and force them into labor or imprisonment. Many see fit to look down upon woman or beings simply because they have a dark(er) complexion or a different accent/ way of living. These are things that have been, are, and will be passed down by the society around us feeding off of the troubled ways of the past. Not excluding the responsibility as a parent of a child to instill core values based on true freedom, true peace, and true liberty which is immeasurably important in the future of the lives of those individuals but the world as a whole because of it (them).
      So whether you are Amish, live in the suburbs, or you grew up in Beverly Hills the underlying principle I'm trying to get across is don't overlook the past, don't escape the present, and don't forget about the future. We have too much to live for and too little too die for at this moment that we cannot do these things willingly, nor should we put these restrictions upon the kids of the world. Let's actually teach them something beyond the lies we were taught in public schools or from the zeitgeist of the day. Let's make sure they understand, before all else, that no matter who the president (or dictator) is or who the governor is or how congress has attempted to shred our freedoms to pieces; we are a people that are free to the bone. No government or oligarchy will take that from us but from our cold dead hands if we decide so. This is the best of our past, present, and future at stake here at this moment in time. Why is it that apathy overtakes integrity in this country ten fold?

By: Alex Wyatt

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