Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tragedy and Comedy

      I often wonder whether tragedy trumps comedy in this world around me. Whether rumor overshadows humor; but I see all for what they are and use all to see the others more clearly (and that seems to help me). Sometimes tragedy can trump comedy if when comedy is the goal. You don't have to tell me how hard it is to find comedy regarding topics such as 9/11 or 170,000,000 innocents that have been killed in wars perpetuated by American/international businessman/bankers. I struggle with it every day; writing skits/bits for an upcoming television show I'm producing with a friend of mine or coming up with ideas for parities of advertisements to put on T-shirts.
      People find fine lines in anything and everything we say and do now a days. Our Freedom of speech along with most all others freedoms have gone from clear as day to a dreary haze. Freedom can be taken from us in way to many ways.

It's a shame that we have come to find
that time trumps so much in our minds
that a foot or a hand are trumped by mines
that a choice or a man are trumped by signs
that freedom is trumped by tyranny
but only until we simply come to see
what the pursuit of happiness equates to be
because to me it doesn't mean
that government is always there on the scene
but that personal responsibility and liberty come to a sum
that looks like freedom to me

By: Alex Wyatt

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