Sunday, January 9, 2011

common sense in crisis mission statement

     I'm very new to blogging but not new to speaking my mind. To give anyone and everyone who may read this a quick background on me; I am a 20 year old poet who is an optimist and still shuddering when viewing the future on paper. Usually it's not so bad being the underdog because you have nothing to lose but when it comes to your life what will you choose? I have chosen to speak and act accordingly to my principles and no sect, party, religion, union, government, corporation or person has any pressure or control over me or my life when I do just that.

     I created common sense in crisis for the simplest of reasons:
1. To amplify the voices of many across this country, and the world, that are smothered by mass corporate media. A blog is a perfect medium for this purpose, although, I myself know that even this is not perfect. Google has publicly been linked to have been cooperating with many government agencies in the attempt to enter into our privacy and realm of real thoughts and truth that is the internet. This attempt to control and structure the internet into the fold might come to be and to flourish in the years ahead but it won't be without millions of voices speaking against those who want the first amendment even more dead than it already is.

2. To break down the apathetic and lethargic approach that the majority of the American people have resorted to take when the "pick the better of two that are bad". People need to read up and realize that our country wanted nothing to do with political parties because of the exact reasons that have unfolded in due time. Our country is so polarized into certain positions that people think that the positions are their own. Yet they forget who placed them there. Kind of like that movie inception except this isn't in our dreams it's in our life. They swing the people back and forth until they're sick of the system. At which point most just plug their ears and shut their mouths because they want nothing less than to discuss what happened in the past, what is happening in the present, and what will happen in the future.

3. To get the public to accept that they have been lied too. Yes, it's possible that you were being gullible because i have come to the realization that I was being pulled by two hands of the same person. The fact is that both the remocrats and the depublicans (sorry; Freudian slip) are heads of one snake and believe me when I say that both have tendencies of biting and releasing venom into their victims. We place these puppets on pedestals and why is that? Because they tell us were not safe or that they're going to change things their way for us to have freedom? Well, as Thomas Jefferson said, "They who would trade liberty to obtain security soon have none and deserve neither".

     I hope we can open up the eyes and minds of many and soon we may see peace again but only if we do what we want others to do. Freedom and peace are in our hands as much as anyone. we have the numbers and yet we let them tell us what to do and where to sign our money over too. THIS MADNESS ENDS HERE AND NOW!
By: Alex Wyatt

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