Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whistleblower Aaron McCollum Alleges Recruitment For False Flag ET Event

Whistleblower Aaron McCollum Alleges Recruitment For False Flag ET Event
Photo: Whistleblower, Aaron McCollum
In an Exopolitics TV interview released January 2nd, Alfred Webre and whistleblower Aaron McCollum discussed the possibility of a false flag extraterrestrial contact event that McCollum says he was contacted to be a part of.

McCollum is an alleged ex-military and ex-black operations soldier who claims to have been recruited into the black ops world through the secret program Project Talent, an offshoot of the notorious MK Ultra program, and was then groomed from a young age to be part of another top secret program, Project Seagate. His testimony on these subjects has been documented in previous video interviews from Project Camelot.
In his recent interview on Exopolitics TV, McCollum disclosed his attempted recruitment by the organizers of the upcoming Festival of Enlightenment, set to take place in Evergreen, CO on June 13-19, 2011. He believes he was being asked to take part in what could likely be a staged, false flag extraterrestrial encounter at the festival. McCollum presented his email correspondence with a member of the planning committee for the festival and gave his testimony about what he was told by this member during a phone conversation.
According to McCollum, he was asked to work with selected children prior to the festival to prepare them for “ascension”. He was told that a group within the Festival of Enlightenment were in contact with Pleiadian extraterrestrials, and that organizers wanted him to guide the selected children in some sort of ceremony at the festival, at which point, Pleiadian spacecraft would “uncloak” overhead and reveal themselves to the people below. Given their personal expertise, McCollum and Webre theorized that these alleged Pleiadian ships could possibly be black budget U.S. personel using advanced secret technology to pose as extraterrestrials, or even a sophisticated holographic scene.
After researching the festival, it’s organizers, and their suspicious ties to companies such as Haliburton and others, McCollum decided to decline the invitation he was given and go public with the information he was given.
McCollum also pointed out that the festival’s location is triangulated between three U.S. military bases, which is strategically favorable for any operation to be carried out. A large amount of people are expected to attend the festival as well (at least 50,000 people), which McCollum believes raises the probability for a secret operation to be conducted. Because of these and other suspicious pieces of information, his gut instinct tells him that the event holds a high likelihood of a Project Bluebeam-type psychological warfare attack. McCollum says he’s “greatly concerned” about the Festival of Enlightenment, and is encouraging people not to attend, or exercise extreme caution if they do.
Watch the full interview:

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