Saturday, February 12, 2011

What happened to the aid for Haiti?

What Happened to the Aid for Haiti?

What Happened to the Aid for Haiti?
If Haiti had 200 trucks it would take 11 years to clear the rubble, but they have none
A year after the devastating earthquake in Haiti in January 12th 2010, only 5% of the rubble has been cleared away so what happened to the 3.5 billion dollars in aid that was designated for Haiti?
According to the the experts say all the rubble and remains would fill trucks one behind another halfway around the planet and if Haiti had 200 trucks it would take 11 years to clear it all away yet they have no trucks.
The UN estimates that 200,000 buildings were flattened in Port-au-Prince and nearby villages when the earthquake hit.  This is enough rubble to fill 4,000 Olympic swimming pools and workers are finding bodies in the rubble to this day.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies believe that Haiti is facing an immense task.
There is also political unrest in Haiti as there is evidence that election fraud is taking place.
According to NPR, much of the money for Haiti is sitting idle and is unspent.  The Red Cross has much of the funding still in the bank, but according to NPR a survey of 60 philanthropic organizations shows that less than 40% of the aid has been spent.
Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were early proponents of Haiti relief aid and Bush ordered the American people to only send relief in the form of cash, not water or blankets as seen in this video.

To add insult to injury UN workers were blamed for bringing cholera to the island by the Haitian citizens which has afflicted 155,000 and killed 3,651.
It appears Haiti still needs help.

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