Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Military Experiments May Have Caused Bird and Fish Deaths"

Military Experiments May Have Caused Bird and Fish Deaths

Military Experiments May Have Caused Bird and Fish Deaths
Red-Winged Blackbirds Die in Mid-Air
In an article on, Terrence Aym describes the use of scalar technology invented by Nikola Tesla which has the capability of turning any surrounding medium into a weapon of instantly lethal proportion.  Terrence Aym proposes that this type of weapon is what caused the bird and fish deaths in Arkansas and Louisiana.  The evidence may suggest that the death of all this wildlife may not be natural.
Ornithologists don’t believe it was fireworks, and no witnesses have seen any evidence of micro-bursts or strong updrafts.  The birds were either already dead or stunned and those that were still alive sought indoor shelter to avoid something.
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said, “The birds suffered from acute physical trauma leading to internal hemorrhage and death.”  They also added that there were no signs of disease.  Dr. George Badley, Arkansas’s state veterinarian, believes that the birds died while in flight suggesting they either ran into something, or something collided with them.
According to Aym’s article Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson of think that there is evidence supporting the possibility that scalar weapons are what caused the bird and fish deaths. This includes the state of the internal organs of the birds had deteriorated, they were disoriented, and there were atmospheric anomalies.  Aym writes, “Scalar technology incorporates the transmission of high-energy electromagnetic radiation designed to disrupt geological and biological processes.”
“Scalar weapons that can artificially manipulate the environment could be responsible for the mass die offs. We know for a fact that over a decade ago the U.S. Military Industrial Complex was aware of and involved in the testing of such technology,” say Watson and Jones.
 The article also says scalar technology can be fine tuned and that patents exist with that ability.  This means that the scalar weapon can isolate biological species like birds, fish, or people.
Photo:  Dbaron’s Flickr Photostream

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