Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Ted Gunderson Blasts FBI and Asks Chemtrial Pilots to Come Forward"

Ted Gunderson Blasts FBI and Asks Chemtrial Pilots to Come Forward

Video of Anthony J Hilder interviewing Ted L Gunderson, former Chief FBI Agent in Charge in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Memphis, about the present-day FBI and the pilots that are flying the chemtrail “death dump” planes. Gunderson pleads with the pilots to come forward as a whistle blower and “we’ll put you on camera without using your name and your face.”
Hilder: When I first met you 30 years ago or so, you came in to see my mother, I didn’t trust you.  I said that you are with the FBI… Is the agency today what it was 40 years ago?
Gunderson: The FBI today is not the agency it was 40 years ago.  I am convinced that the FBI today has been infiltrated by the Illuminati, as has the CIA, as has military intelligence, as has NSA.  And, I think that our government is being run by the Illuminati.  I’ll be honest with you.
Hilder: Do you think that these (chemtrail) craft are military… or is this private contractors, possibly through Evergreen Air, that would be putting these dispersants upon us?
Gunderson: I believe that since you have the Lincoln, Nebraska Air National Guard involved, I would say that it’s government.  I don’t think its private contractors.  But, I don’t know.
Hilder: There are those who are watching this show right now who know  that there are pilots who would like to come forth. They are just hunting for a website that will address this issue right now, because a lot of these chemtrail sites are not addressing the issue – they are not pointing their cameras and the telescope and their ire and anger on the target. But, we find out that people are coming forward and telling us… What is the  mentality of the people that are doing this?  Are they like the guards at  Auschwitz and Dachau?
Gunderson: I would guess that the mentality of the people that are doing this, they could be mind control victims, or, I would say, Military.  And, they do what they are told…. But, the thing that bothers me is don’t these people know that they are putting DEATH DUMPS on their OWN FAMILIES?  OK. That would bother me if I were doing this and dumping this poison on my own family.  And, I don’t understand it.  I can’t explain it either.
Hilder: What are you going to tell them?
Gunderson: I am telling the pilots to come forward and we’ll put you on camera without using your name and your face.  We’ll blank out your face.  Write to me at 6230A Wilshire Blvd, Unit 6, Los Angeles, CA 90048.  Write me a letter. Tell me who you are.  And, I’ll arrange to put you on camera. We’ll blank out your face.  We’ll blank out your identity. And, we’ll go from there.
Gunderson: Email your information to
Camera man: Greg Scott, Conscious Life News

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