Friday, February 25, 2011

Edgar Allen Poe

"The Bells" by Edgar Allen Poe
"The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe

"A Dream Within A Dream" by Edgar Allen Poe
"Alone" by Edgar Allen Poe

Thursday, February 17, 2011


please ask yourself why you are being lied too... why ..... and then do something about it... NOW! it is far past time.... they have run the show for long enough... it's time for teh people to revolt and resume their lives with tehir freedoms in hand!



Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whistleblower Aaron McCollum Alleges Recruitment For False Flag ET Event

Whistleblower Aaron McCollum Alleges Recruitment For False Flag ET Event
Photo: Whistleblower, Aaron McCollum
In an Exopolitics TV interview released January 2nd, Alfred Webre and whistleblower Aaron McCollum discussed the possibility of a false flag extraterrestrial contact event that McCollum says he was contacted to be a part of.

McCollum is an alleged ex-military and ex-black operations soldier who claims to have been recruited into the black ops world through the secret program Project Talent, an offshoot of the notorious MK Ultra program, and was then groomed from a young age to be part of another top secret program, Project Seagate. His testimony on these subjects has been documented in previous video interviews from Project Camelot.
In his recent interview on Exopolitics TV, McCollum disclosed his attempted recruitment by the organizers of the upcoming Festival of Enlightenment, set to take place in Evergreen, CO on June 13-19, 2011. He believes he was being asked to take part in what could likely be a staged, false flag extraterrestrial encounter at the festival. McCollum presented his email correspondence with a member of the planning committee for the festival and gave his testimony about what he was told by this member during a phone conversation.
According to McCollum, he was asked to work with selected children prior to the festival to prepare them for “ascension”. He was told that a group within the Festival of Enlightenment were in contact with Pleiadian extraterrestrials, and that organizers wanted him to guide the selected children in some sort of ceremony at the festival, at which point, Pleiadian spacecraft would “uncloak” overhead and reveal themselves to the people below. Given their personal expertise, McCollum and Webre theorized that these alleged Pleiadian ships could possibly be black budget U.S. personel using advanced secret technology to pose as extraterrestrials, or even a sophisticated holographic scene.
After researching the festival, it’s organizers, and their suspicious ties to companies such as Haliburton and others, McCollum decided to decline the invitation he was given and go public with the information he was given.
McCollum also pointed out that the festival’s location is triangulated between three U.S. military bases, which is strategically favorable for any operation to be carried out. A large amount of people are expected to attend the festival as well (at least 50,000 people), which McCollum believes raises the probability for a secret operation to be conducted. Because of these and other suspicious pieces of information, his gut instinct tells him that the event holds a high likelihood of a Project Bluebeam-type psychological warfare attack. McCollum says he’s “greatly concerned” about the Festival of Enlightenment, and is encouraging people not to attend, or exercise extreme caution if they do.
Watch the full interview:

Should we trust Wikileaks 100%?

Should We Trust Wikileaks 100%?

Should We Trust Wikileaks 100%?
Was Assange Framed?
(By Savannah Hintze of American Free Press)  There was a time when every American knew about the John Peter Zenger case, because it was “the gem of American freedom.” Before Zenger’s infamous trial, it was against the law to criticize the government. But after Zenger won his case, you could say anything you want, provided it’s true.
In the early 18th century, New York’s governor had Zenger arrested for articles Zenger had published about him. Zenger’s lawyer, however, successfully convinced the jury to nullify the law that would have convicted Zenger of “seditious libel,” securing freedom of the press as well as the fact that a statement cannot be libelous if it’s true.
Today, we have Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Is Assange another Zenger, who has been targeted for voicing the truth? Or could he be something else? The Internet is full of disinformation about both Assange and WikiLeaks. There are websites that claim WikiLeaks is affiliated with billionaire insider George Soros and China.
Assange supposedly repudiates anything that refutes the government’s theory on 9-11. On the other hand he released documents exposing international bankers.
The first and second sets of leaks looked good, but the last batch has some strange earmarks. It does nothing to expose the warmongers—with the exception of Hillary Clinton allegedly encouraging spying on the United Nations. Instead, the leaks target Arab leaders, while revealing nothing about Israel.
It is impossible to know for sure whether WikiLeaks is “100 percent,” so for now we should be ever alert that our enemies create Judas goats, like the “leader of the resistance” in Orwell’s chilling novel 1984, Emmanuel Goldstein.
Source: American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003
Photo: Takver’s Flickr Photostream

"Miami: “Say Hello To My Little Friend” In The Sky"

Miami: “Say Hello To My Little Friend” In The Sky

Miami:  "Say Hello To My Little Friend" In The Sky
Drones May Soon Spy On Miami Citizens
Residents of Miami are getting concerned about a potential new “eye in the sky.”  Miami-Dade Police acquired an unmanned drone called, “T-hawk” from defense contractor Honeywell to serve for their Special Response Team.  The drone weighs 20 lbs., flies for a duration of 40 minutes, can go as high as 10,500 feet at a speed of 46 miles per hour.
The ACLU wants strict legal restrictions on the drones.  They aren’t exactly against the technology if it is used to make the community safer but they do not support it if it threatens personal privacy.
Law enforcement officials propose that the drones will fill many needs such as for SWAT using it for tactical reasons, search and rescue to assess damage.  They proclaim that it will be used only for surveillance, not for spying.
The manufacturer, Honeywell must get approval from the FAA first before the drone can be flown in urban areas.
Photo: BlatantNews Flickr Photostream

"Military Experiments May Have Caused Bird and Fish Deaths"

Military Experiments May Have Caused Bird and Fish Deaths

Military Experiments May Have Caused Bird and Fish Deaths
Red-Winged Blackbirds Die in Mid-Air
In an article on, Terrence Aym describes the use of scalar technology invented by Nikola Tesla which has the capability of turning any surrounding medium into a weapon of instantly lethal proportion.  Terrence Aym proposes that this type of weapon is what caused the bird and fish deaths in Arkansas and Louisiana.  The evidence may suggest that the death of all this wildlife may not be natural.
Ornithologists don’t believe it was fireworks, and no witnesses have seen any evidence of micro-bursts or strong updrafts.  The birds were either already dead or stunned and those that were still alive sought indoor shelter to avoid something.
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said, “The birds suffered from acute physical trauma leading to internal hemorrhage and death.”  They also added that there were no signs of disease.  Dr. George Badley, Arkansas’s state veterinarian, believes that the birds died while in flight suggesting they either ran into something, or something collided with them.
According to Aym’s article Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson of think that there is evidence supporting the possibility that scalar weapons are what caused the bird and fish deaths. This includes the state of the internal organs of the birds had deteriorated, they were disoriented, and there were atmospheric anomalies.  Aym writes, “Scalar technology incorporates the transmission of high-energy electromagnetic radiation designed to disrupt geological and biological processes.”
“Scalar weapons that can artificially manipulate the environment could be responsible for the mass die offs. We know for a fact that over a decade ago the U.S. Military Industrial Complex was aware of and involved in the testing of such technology,” say Watson and Jones.
 The article also says scalar technology can be fine tuned and that patents exist with that ability.  This means that the scalar weapon can isolate biological species like birds, fish, or people.
Photo:  Dbaron’s Flickr Photostream

What happened to the aid for Haiti?

What Happened to the Aid for Haiti?

What Happened to the Aid for Haiti?
If Haiti had 200 trucks it would take 11 years to clear the rubble, but they have none
A year after the devastating earthquake in Haiti in January 12th 2010, only 5% of the rubble has been cleared away so what happened to the 3.5 billion dollars in aid that was designated for Haiti?
According to the the experts say all the rubble and remains would fill trucks one behind another halfway around the planet and if Haiti had 200 trucks it would take 11 years to clear it all away yet they have no trucks.
The UN estimates that 200,000 buildings were flattened in Port-au-Prince and nearby villages when the earthquake hit.  This is enough rubble to fill 4,000 Olympic swimming pools and workers are finding bodies in the rubble to this day.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies believe that Haiti is facing an immense task.
There is also political unrest in Haiti as there is evidence that election fraud is taking place.
According to NPR, much of the money for Haiti is sitting idle and is unspent.  The Red Cross has much of the funding still in the bank, but according to NPR a survey of 60 philanthropic organizations shows that less than 40% of the aid has been spent.
Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were early proponents of Haiti relief aid and Bush ordered the American people to only send relief in the form of cash, not water or blankets as seen in this video.

To add insult to injury UN workers were blamed for bringing cholera to the island by the Haitian citizens which has afflicted 155,000 and killed 3,651.
It appears Haiti still needs help.

"Citizen Beats TSA: You Have the Right to Fly Without Showing ID"

Citizen Beats TSA: You Have the Right to Fly Without Showing ID

Citizen Beats TSA: You Have the Right to Fly Without Showing ID
A Win For Citizens Against Tyranny
Yesterday was a win for the U.S. Constitution and civil rights.  Phil Mocek was found “NOT GUILTY” of all charges by six female jurors after being arrested last November 2009, while in a TSA security checkpoint in the Albuquerque airport on his way to his Southwest Airlines flight.
Phil Mocek was exercising his Constitutional right to travel according to  It isn’t completely clear as to what exactly triggered his arrest though he was officially charged with criminal trespass, resisting, obstructing or refusing to obey a lawful order of an officer, concealing his identity with intent to obstruct, intimidate, hinder or interrupt, and disorderly conduct.
Regardless of all of the allegations, the prosecution did not prove that Mocek broke any laws.  He did not attempt to conceal his identity and he behaved in a calm, peaceful, nonviolent manner.  Many citizens are intimidated by the TSA but Mr. Mocek stood up for his his right of transit by the airline as a common carrier was guaranteed by Federal law, through the airport and the TSA checkpoint and by the First Amendment, and Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. is curious to know if Mr. Mocek was arrested for refusing to show identification credentials, holding back information about his identity, and/or perhaps attempting to photograph and record his interactions with the TSA and police – all of which were activities protected by the First Amendment and other laws. hopes Mocek’s acquittal will encourage others to stand up for their rights and not be bullied by the TSA.  They state that this includes demands to waive your Fifth Amendment rights, providence evidence of identity, and submit to virtual naked body scanners which a judge has now allowed the Department of Homeland Security to store and keep scanned images secret, being groped, as well as photographing and recording encounters with the TSA and the local law enforcement officers.
 If you want to know your rights when your travel, has provided a full FAQ on their website which can also be viewed here:
  1. TSA “screeners” are not law enforcement officers. Despite wearing police-type uniforms and calling themselves “officers”, they have no police powers and no immunity from any state or local laws.  At some airports, notably San Francisco (SFO) and Kansas City (MCI), they aren’t government employees at all, but rent-a-cops employed by a private contractor. They cannot legally arrest or detain you (except as a citizen’s arrest, the same way you can arrest them if they commit assault or battery). All they can do is call the local police.
  2. You have the right to remain silent, including when questioned by TSA “Behavior Detection Officers.” Anything you say may be used against you.
  3. You have the 1st Amendment right to film, photograph, and record what happens in public areas of airports, including your interactions with TSA and screeners.  Photography and recording in airports and at TSA checkpoints violates no Federal law or TSA regulation. Any state or local laws that purport to prohibit this are likely to be unconstitutional. You have the right, for your own protection, to document what happens to you and what is done to you.
  4. You have the right not to be assaulted or battered (sexually or otherwise), falsely arrested, unlawfully detained, or kidnapped.  You should consult the applicable laws, including local laws, and/or an attorney if you plan to do any of these things, but you have the right to make a criminal complaint and/or a citizen’s arrest of someone who assaults you, and/or to sue them for damages.
  5. Under most airlines’ conditions of carriage, you have the right to a full and unconditional refund if the airline refuses to transport you because you won’t show ID or won’t “consent” to whatever they want to do to you in the name of “screening”. Read this first: Here’s what to do to protect your right to a refund.  If the airline refuses to give you a full refund, you can sue them for damages and request that the US Department of Transportation investigate and fine them.
  6. If an airline cancels your reservation or refuses to transport you, you may be entitled to collect damages, and you can request that the US Department of Transportation (and, if you were denied passage to the USA from another country, that country’s authorities) investigate and fine or impose other sanctions on the airline.
  7. You have the right to freedom of movement, guaranteed by the First Amendment (”the right of the people… peaceably to assemble”) and Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), a human rights treaty to which the US is a party: “Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own…. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country.” Federal law (49 USC § 40101, part of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978) requires the TSA to consider “the public right of freedom of transit” by air when it issues regulations.

Photo:  NObamaNoMas Flickr Photostream

"Ted Gunderson Blasts FBI and Asks Chemtrial Pilots to Come Forward"

Ted Gunderson Blasts FBI and Asks Chemtrial Pilots to Come Forward

Video of Anthony J Hilder interviewing Ted L Gunderson, former Chief FBI Agent in Charge in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Memphis, about the present-day FBI and the pilots that are flying the chemtrail “death dump” planes. Gunderson pleads with the pilots to come forward as a whistle blower and “we’ll put you on camera without using your name and your face.”
Hilder: When I first met you 30 years ago or so, you came in to see my mother, I didn’t trust you.  I said that you are with the FBI… Is the agency today what it was 40 years ago?
Gunderson: The FBI today is not the agency it was 40 years ago.  I am convinced that the FBI today has been infiltrated by the Illuminati, as has the CIA, as has military intelligence, as has NSA.  And, I think that our government is being run by the Illuminati.  I’ll be honest with you.
Hilder: Do you think that these (chemtrail) craft are military… or is this private contractors, possibly through Evergreen Air, that would be putting these dispersants upon us?
Gunderson: I believe that since you have the Lincoln, Nebraska Air National Guard involved, I would say that it’s government.  I don’t think its private contractors.  But, I don’t know.
Hilder: There are those who are watching this show right now who know  that there are pilots who would like to come forth. They are just hunting for a website that will address this issue right now, because a lot of these chemtrail sites are not addressing the issue – they are not pointing their cameras and the telescope and their ire and anger on the target. But, we find out that people are coming forward and telling us… What is the  mentality of the people that are doing this?  Are they like the guards at  Auschwitz and Dachau?
Gunderson: I would guess that the mentality of the people that are doing this, they could be mind control victims, or, I would say, Military.  And, they do what they are told…. But, the thing that bothers me is don’t these people know that they are putting DEATH DUMPS on their OWN FAMILIES?  OK. That would bother me if I were doing this and dumping this poison on my own family.  And, I don’t understand it.  I can’t explain it either.
Hilder: What are you going to tell them?
Gunderson: I am telling the pilots to come forward and we’ll put you on camera without using your name and your face.  We’ll blank out your face.  Write to me at 6230A Wilshire Blvd, Unit 6, Los Angeles, CA 90048.  Write me a letter. Tell me who you are.  And, I’ll arrange to put you on camera. We’ll blank out your face.  We’ll blank out your identity. And, we’ll go from there.
Gunderson: Email your information to
Camera man: Greg Scott, Conscious Life News

"Ted Gunderson Warns of Possible Martial Law to Come"

Ted Gunderson Warns of Possible Martial Law to Come

On this video, Anthony J Hilder and Brian Andrews of interview Ted L Gunderson, former Chief FBI Agent in Charge in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Memphis. Andrews informs Gunderson of the emails being received by from parents who are talking about getting their children out of the United States in order to save their lives from the toxic chemtrail death dumps.  Gunderson replies: “That’s true.  We all need to get out of the country to save our lives.  We are getting ready for Marshall Law.”  Gunderson goes on to talk about MK-Ultra mind controlled victims, the 2nd amendment, the reason for the “Turn Your Old Car in For Cash” campaign, and how we are being tracked via our cell phones and the computers in our cars.
Here is complete transcript:
Brian Andrews ( We are getting emails from mothers all around the planet whose kids are sick (from the chemtrails) – they’re coughing up blood, they’re vomiting, they’re having viruses that won’t go away.  Teachers are reporting that they’ve never seen anything like this before.  Even here in Santa Monica, my girlfriend works at a school.  They had to take a girl away in an ambulance a couple of days ago.  Two of the parents said that they want to get their child out of the country, but they don’t know where to go. They are thinking of Ecuador.  They think that they need to get their child out of the country in order to save their lives.
Gunderson: That’s true.  We all need to get out of the country to save our lives. We are getting ready for Marshall Law.  Everything is pointing towards Marshall Law.  It’s been planned for two centuries.  May 1, 1776.
Anthony Hilder: When you are talking about Marshall Law, Ted, we’re talking about a Hitlerian super state –are we not?
Gunderson: We’re talking about Nazi, Germany in 1933.  You know all of these shootings around the country, the one in Arizona, I think West Virginia, and Oregon that have taken place?  In my opinion, I can’t prove it, these are mind controlled victims – MK-Ultra mind controlled victims. And, the whole thing is designed to destroy the 2nd Amendment and take our guns away from us.
Hilder: We’ll they’ve got to do that before they go into Marshall Law.
Gunderson: Exactly.
Hilder: Otherwise, they couldn’t kill us freely.
Gunderson: Well, you know what Adolph Hitler did?  He told all of the Germans to put their guns on the front porch and we’ll collect them tomorrow.  And they did – foolishly.  The Gestapo came around and collected them the next day.  Now, what they are doing – OK – we have sensors on all of the major highways in America today.  I talked to somebody who is installing the sensors, OK?  Now, I think that ‘turn your old car in for cash’ is because they don’t have computers in the old cars. They want everybody to buy a new car so that they can keep track of us.  The cell phones – hey – they know exactly where I am.
Hilder: That’s GPS, right?
Gunderson: Yea.  They know, the boys know exactly where I am at this very moment if not here (cell phone), then from my car.
Videographer:  Greg Scott, Conscious Life News

"Congressional Hearings for Wi-Spy and Secret NSA Ties May Be in Store for Google"

Congressional Hearings for Wi-Spy and Secret NSA Ties May Be in Store for Google

Congressional Hearings for Wi-Spy and Secret NSA Ties May Be in Store for Google
The "All-Seeing" Eye of Google?
(Santa Monica, CA)  According to a deal between the Attourney General of Connecticut and Google result in Congressional hearings related to Google’s ”Wi-Spy” scandal.   Google admitted that their street view cars acquired private user data including lists of web pages visited, email communications, and possibly other information but has yet to give the Attorney General of Connecticut any idea as to exactly what it was gathering.
The Consumer Watchdog website posted the following questions to be answered by Schmidt:
  • Why did Google collect data from Wi-Fi networks in the first place?
  • What did Google plan to do with this data?
  • Who was overseeing this project?
  • Who at Google had access, did analysis, or viewed the data and for what purpose?
  • If the data was collected “accidentally,” why was Google seeking a patent on the data collection process?
  • Can Google ensure us this won’t happen again?
  • How many Americans’ private data had been collected?
  • What kind of information got collected?  Passwords, email, financial data, medical records, searches, videos, and more?
A letter was sent Darrell Issa, the Chairman of the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform committee, to investigate the “questionable, secretive” association between Google and the National Security Agency or NSA.  This brings into question quite a conflict of interest as the NSA has unlimited code breaking technology and Google is collecting all the private data from the street and could potentially hand it over to the NSA.
John M. Simpson, Consumer Watchdog’s director of the Inside Google Project, stated, “The details of the biggest privacy breach in history shouldn’t be settled in secret.  He continued, “This makes it clear why Google CEO Eric Schmidt needs to testify under oath before Congress about Wi-Spy.”
Consumer Watchdog vows to monitor the privacy policies of Facebook, Microsoft, Google and any other company that consumes mass quantities of private data.
Source(s): (wi-spy), (nsa)
Photo: Moai’s Flickr Photostream

"Is the U.S. Bullying Other Nations into Geoengineering/Chemtrail Spraying?"

Is the U.S. Bullying Other Nations into Geoengineering/Chemtrail Spraying?

Planet Earth
The U.S. thwarted the UN ban on geoengineering because profits are more important than life on this planet.
According to a cable released by Wikileaks, the former United States ambassador to France recommended “moving to retaliation” against France in late 2007 to fight a French ban on Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) corn. Former Ambassador Craig Stapleton (now co-owner of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team), who was concerned about France’s decision to suspend cultivation of Monsanto’s MON-810 corn, wrote the following to diplomatic colleagues:  “Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits.”
In late October, 2010, many chemtrail/geoenginnering activists applauded the announcement of a UN ban on Geoengineering.  More than 190 nations agreed to ban geoengineering under a United Nations treaty to protect the diversity of life on Earth. The ban stipulated that “no climate-related geoengineering activities that may affect biodiversity take place, until there is an adequate scientific basis on which to justify such activities and appropriate consideration of the associated risks for the environment and biodiversity and associated social, economic and cultural impacts.”
However, there was one big problem: the United States was not one of the signatory countries. In the video below, Sonia of “The Truther Girls” pointed out that the ban was most likely useless without U.S. agreement: “The U.S., when it comes to New World Order, and unfortunately the destruction of our environment, is among those leading the charge.”  Sonia also provided a detailed analysis of the document that apparently was drafted by the U.S. in response to the ban.  She concludes: “It looks to me like the U.S. is trying to think of a way to get the rest of the world on board with the geoengineering program – not to stop it.”

Sure enough, less than six weeks later, the following headline from the Activist Post hit the net: “UN Climate Concern Morphs into Chemtrail Glee Club.” The accompanying article details the events at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Cancun, Mexico: “In Cancun, Mexico, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is under pressure to overturn the UN ban on chemtrails… The US has not agreed to it.  Citing profits, the US further refuses to cut greenhouse gas emissions attributed to global warming, the purported concern of the United Nations. Instead, it seeks to expand its geoengineering projects for which hundreds of patents have already been filed.
Apparently, the ban was either overturned or never implemented. Shortly after the Cancun convention, the spraying intensified worldwide.
How in the world did one single country manage to convince 193 others that profits were more important than protecting life on this planet? Could they have used the same strong-arm tactics that they used against France for non-compliance with their GMO agenda?

Con trails? Or are your eyes being conned by "chem trails"?

ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC All Want Your Chemtrail Photos

Chemtrails over Malmo, Sweden
Chemtrails over Malmo, Sweden.
This alert is meant for the entire world, not just those living in the U.S.  It is of the utmost importance that we flood the U.S. media with an awareness that a heinous crime is being committed against humanity and our precious planet in the skies around the globe. We  believe that the U.S. has bullied the rest of the world into following their chemtrail-geoengineering agenda.  If the U.S. stops spraying, the rest of the nations will quickly follow suit. Therefore, we are asking everyone who reads this message to immediately follow the simple instructions detailed below (and tell others to do same).
First, understand why it is imperative that you take action NOW. Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri recently posted a shocking and detailed article about the dramatic increase in toxic heavy metals the air that we breathe.  There are at least 12 different toxic metals at levels that far exceed the allowable limits, including levels of arsenic (a toxic poison) that are 418 times the allowable limit!
Secondly, understand that what we are asking you to do is quite simple and, in fact, was already done by many thousands of people just last week.  All you need to do is send a few emails and fill out some contact forms on the media websites.  The email address and links to the contact forms are provided below.  We even provide sample text.  Modify the text to fit your situation, then just copy and paste into the emails and contact forms.
Finally, understand why this plan will succeed. The vast majority of people on the planet are unaware of what’s happening simply because: (1) they have been conditioned to believe that what they see in the sky is normal; (2) they aren’t told by the TV news that it is not normal and, in fact, the chemtrails are highly toxic.  If it’s not reported on the news, it’s not real.
Last week, a TV segment on chemtrails was presented on a CBS affiliate out of Atlanta. Although the story was presented as a conspiracy theory, TV news reporter Jeff Chirico issued the following invitation at the end of the segment: “Now, we know that a lot of you have pictures and videos of chemtrails. We want to see them. So, send them to us at: We’ll post them on our website.
News about the request for chemtrail pictures spread like wildfire around the internet after it was initially reported by The Intel Hub Radio and then  Both experienced massive spikes in traffic.  Many thousands of people sent in their photos.  CBS Atlanta received so many emails, their account was overloaded causing many of the emails to bounce.
Why do we have to wait for media to ask for our photos and videos before we send them?  The answer is: WE DON’T!  All TV News shows, news radio shows, and newspapers want your photos and videos.  They just don’t know it yet.  One of them is about to break the biggest story ever!  Watergate pales in comparison.
All we need is for one of the media giants to provide fair and in-depth coverage of the geoengineering-chemtrail crimes (similar to this local TV news segment, but much more in-depth) and the others will follow.  The general populace will be awakened. There will be an outcry to elected officials to immediately stop the spraying (similar to what former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson said).  This WILL lead to the truth being revealed and a worldwide stoppage of the spraying.
Skeptical?  All we ask is that you give it a try.  It will take you at most 60 minutes to do as instructed below.  And, you don’t have to do it all at once.  Spend 10 minutes for six days and then you can rest.   Understand this: your action is crucial to our success! If you want the spraying to stop, then you must take action NOW.  People around the globe are waking up to the fact that things just aren’t right, and are now ready to hear and believe YOUR story.
OK, let’s get to work.  As mentioned above, there are two ways to contact the media online: (1) via email; or (2) via the “Contact Us” forms on their websites.  Email address and contact links are provided below.
  1. Only send one or two photos via email.  We will quickly overload their email inbox if everyone sends a dozen photos or more.  You can also provide multiple links in the text of your email.
  2. You cannot send attachments via the contact forms, but you can provide links.  We suggest that you provide a link to a website that has photos or a video of chemtrails in your area.  For example, if you live in Sussex, England, then go to and search for: Sussex chemtrails.  Then click on the images and/or the video link on the left.  After you land on the website containing photos or video that represents what is happening in your area, just copy the URL from the address bar at the top of your browser, and paste it into your text.
  3. You can save time by composing one email to yourself and use the blind copy (BCC:) feature and put all the media email addresses in so that they will all go out at once while keeping the other addresses confidential, it will just appear as if you sent it to yourself while they get a copy.
  4. Some of the contact forms are limited in the amount of text that you can enter.  So, you need to be concise.  For example:
My name is Greg Scott and I live in Los Angeles, CA.  I frequently see planes spraying toxic chemtrails in the skies above my home. My health is under attack.  For evidence of chemtrail spraying in LA, see:  Also, see for evidence of a worldwide geoengineering-chemtrail effort and the serious negative impacts to our health and our planet.
Be sure to modify the above text to include your name and location as well as the links that you want to provide.  Save your text in a document so that you can easily copy and paste it into the forms. Here are the links to the contact forms (just click on the link and enter your info):
ABC – Contact us form
CBS - Contact Us form for CBS Evening News, 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, etc.  See below. Be sure to contact each separately.
CBS Contact Us Options
CNN (contact each one separately):
Twitter: Tweet @TeamCNN
MSNBC -  Contact us form
Below are the email addresses for several of the media giants. You can attach 1-2 photos to your email and include as many links as you want.  Again, save your text of your email in a document so that you can copy and paste it into all of your emails.
send email to:
Time Magazine
send email to:
Newsweek Magazine
send email to:
Feel free to contact others including local TV news stations, newspapers, and radio shows. You can usually locate their website by doing a google search.   Look for their “Contact Us” link, which usually appears at the bottom of their homepage.
British Columbia, Canada: here is a Contact List For Letters to the Editors.
If you have a link to contact list for your country (or just want to email a list to us), send it to:
Be sure to put this in the Subject line of the email:
“Contact List for XXXX” (replace XXXX with the name of your country).
We’ll add a link to your list above and make sure that it is kept it in sync with the identical article on
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts. We are all in this together.  And, together we will succeed. Godspeed.
another great video on this.....

Fellow patriots for peace and prosperity...

Fellow Patriot,

I am counting on the backing of the liberty movement as I evaluate my political options, but I have yet to receive your pledge of support.

Please take a few moments to read my letter below and fill out your pledge of support.

After you complete your pledge of support, please make a contribution to Liberty PAC so I can determine the best strategy to fight for the cause of liberty.

For Liberty,

Congressman Ron Paul

February 9, 2011

Dear Alex,

I have spent the last several months speaking to supporters and activists all across the country.

I've thought and prayed. I've sought the counsel of my wife, Carol, my children, my extended family, and my most trusted advisors.

As I look to my political future, there are several intriguing options I could pursue, and I need to gauge the existing financial support to back those options.

Our campaign did remarkable things in 2008, at first on a bare-bones budget, and much later, with the overwhelming support that launched our REVOLUTION.

The 2008 campaign helped launch Campaign for Liberty and the Tea Party movement, while laying the groundwork for the successful candidacies of pro-liberty candidates like Justin Amash, Mike Lee, and my son, Senator Rand Paul.

In fact, this current Congress includes more Liberty-leaning members than ever before.

And on the state level, the successes have been even greater.

Last year in New Hampshire alone, no less than 25 Liberty candidates won election to the New Hampshire State House or Senate, including longtime supporter Jim Forsyth winning a State Senate race, and other strong supporters like Andrew Manuse, Keith Murphy, Daniel and Carol McGuire, Jon Maltz, Cameron DeJong, Jenn Coffey, Norman Tregenza, and many more winning House seats.

In Iowa, three candidates endorsed by Liberty PAC went on to shock the establishment and win, including State Representatives Glen Massie and Kim Pearson and State Senator Kent Sorenson.

And across the country, folks like Drew Ivers, A.J. Spiker, and David Fischer in Iowa are ascending to positions of power in their local and state GOP Committees.

With special elections possible around the country and state elections to be held this year in New Jersey, Kentucky, and Virginia, I am confident you and I will see even more successes.

In fact, just last month, longtime supporter Kerry Roberts won the Republican nomination for a special election this March for a State Senate seat in Tennessee.

Now, I believe the time could well be right for our REVOLUTION to take its next step.

Our pro-Liberty movement could grow by leaps and bounds if we take the right steps.

I don't think even I expected what has happened since we launched our fight in 2007.

Back then, no one had yet heard of the "Tea Party," because these groups didn't really exist. Yet, our supporters organized a record-setting $6 million dollar, one-day fundraising Moneybomb that sent shock waves through the political establishment.

That Moneybomb was held on December 16, 2007 - the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

It has long been said that the Boston Tea Party launched the American Revolution.

Well, in 2007, the REVOLUTION launched the "Tea Party"!

Now, I believe the time is right to take that next step to bring our message to even more waiting Americans. To take the fight to those who would steal our Liberty, our country.

To prove that America is ready for leaders who will take seriously their oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

This is why I write to you today to ask for your support for my political action committee, Liberty PAC.

Money sent to Liberty PAC will allow me the flexibility I need to test the waters and determine the next best step as I continue to fight for what you and I hold so dear.

Liberty PAC funds will allow me to travel, speak out, hire staff, and fund mail, phones, emails, and banner, TV, and radio ads to contact, educate, and persuade our fellow Americans. And, it will provide me with flexibility no other vehicle can.

You see, I believe we're truly at a crossroads in our nation's history. And there's no way you and I can let our federal government continue down the path it's on.

I spoke about these issues in 2008, just as I have throughout my entire career in the Liberty movement.

And in the past few years, our government has made it abundantly clear that our views are right.

I spoke about an out of control FED - well, you and I saw what happened with the bailouts and the doubling of our money supply.

I warned of our out of control government, with its 500 billion dollar deficits. Even I never imagined it would TRIPLE in just two years.

It is now truly on a path that will cause the very destruction of our economy, our currency, and our way of life, if you and I don't act today.

Did you know our federal government now spends $53,000 PER SECOND?

And even after our sky-high taxes and the Federal Reserve's constant printing of money, our politicians still can't pay for it all.

Their solution? Well, they don't have one.

They're no longer even TRYING!

And they're driving us deeper in debt by the day, along with our kids and our grandkids.

The federal budget deficit is now over 1.5 trillion dollars per year. That was the ENTIRE BUDGET just 20 years ago.

Thanks to the same old tax and spend politicians - BIG GOVERNMENT POLITICIANS OF BOTH PARTIES - you and I have accumulated over $14 TRILLION in debt - not counting future entitlement spending that's already "locked in."

The interest alone is over 33 billion dollars a month!

But instead of cutting spending, our politicians are constantly calling for more, more, more.

Like you, I understand that all the madness we're witnessing right now in Washington isn't just an attack on our economy.

It's an attack on our liberties.

As we all know, when government grows, freedom shrinks.

That fact was well understood by our Founding Fathers. But today, it seems politicians in BOTH political parties believe government is the solution to all our problems.

Well, I STRONGLY disagree.

I believe we need to return to the principles embedded in the United States Constitution.

As I like to say, freedom really does work.

That's why I want to continue to work to:

• Stop the spread of socialist, big government health care;

• Stop the growth of government spending, restrictive regulations, and involvement in our lives;

• Audit the Federal Reserve, which I believe will serve as an important first step toward finally ending the Fed once and for all;

• Cut taxes, because we have to starve the beast that is the federal government;

• Ensure the federal government returns to its constitutional principles by eliminating departments and agencies that are not authorized by the Constitution;

• Ensure a new, more humble, constitutional foreign policy for our nation. We cannot be the world's policeman. We should not engage in "Nation Building." We cannot afford trillion dollar international boondoggles that cost us our lives, our fortunes, and our freedom;

• Repeal Big Government schemes like the so-called "PATRIOT" Act.

Of course, that won't be all. But, as I hope you'll agree, that's a good start.

If you do agree, and you're willing to fight alongside me the way you've fought in the past, then I ask you to please complete your PLEDGE OF SUPPORT today.

With your signed pledge - along with tens of thousands of others from folks just like you - my campaign can show the political experts and media just how popular the freedom message is.

I can hardly tell you how important that would be - especially at this crucial time.

And if you can help our efforts get off the ground with a contribution, I'd certainly appreciate it.

Please click here to donate and sign the pledge online.

The good news is there's something happening right now all over the country. There has never been a better time for our message to get through or a better opportunity to spread the message of Liberty.

We saw it all across the country in 2010. Folks are waking up, and things are turning around.

And it's due in large part to your hard work in 2008 and the years that have followed.

People are simply ready for the message of freedom.

So Alex, in addition to your PLEDGE OF SUPPORT, I'm counting on your financial assistance to help me get my pro-freedom message out.

Of course, $5,000 per person ($10,000 per married couple) is the maximum contribution legal under federal law.

But whatever you can do - $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 - will help tremendously.

And, since sound money and exposing the secretive Federal Reserve is central to all I do in both education and politics, I will happily send a copy of my book End the Fed to anyone who contributes over $100.

This book is a great tool to share with family, friends, and neighbors as we continue to build the foundation for our national efforts.

The REVOLUTION we started is at a crucial stage. Your support today will determine if you and I can move it forward and what the next step should be in 2012.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. If you believe, like I do, that we need to stop overspending and government growth by returning to constitutional principles, please complete the PLEDGE OF SUPPORT, and make a contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 TODAY! Thank you.

Paid for by Liberty PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

"Hemp Facts"

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USA PLANS REVOLT! ATTEND IN SUPPORT! 8/4 please join the resistance! "dissention is the truest form of patriotism" Thomas Jefferson


Friday, February 11, 2011

"Stanley Fish Dismisses “Truthers” And Avoids Facts"

Stanley Fish Dismisses “Truthers” And Avoids Facts

August 24, 2010
Category: HIT PIECES

The Tea Party? Minutemen? Birthers? No, “Truthers,” left-wing conspiracy theorists who believe (among other things) that 9/11 was an inside job, that no plane hit the Pentagon, that Ted Olson did not receive a call from his wife, Barbara, shortly before she perished in the crash of Flight 77, that the anthrax scare was also a government hoax (although the anthrax was real and deadly), and that hurricane Katrina was the result of weather manipulation by racists or profiteers or both.
The thing about people who hold beliefs you find unbelievable (in two senses) is that they are in most other respects just like you and your friends.
Like many others, I was aware of these theories and aware too that a significant percentage of Americans (about the same percentage that believes President Obama is a Muslim who was born in Kenya) was at least partly persuaded by them. But on Aug. 15 I got an up-close look at the phenomenon when I attended a meeting of Truthers that just happened to be held in Livingston Manor, a small Catskill town about 20 miles from my house.

"Think Tank Calls for “Infiltration” of 9/11 Sites"

Think Tank Calls for “Infiltration” of 9/11 Sites

August 29, 2010
Category: HIT PIECES

A new report released by a think tank called Demos warns of the hazardous effects of conspiracy theories on society and recommends strategies for governments to mitigate these effects, including the infiltration of websites.
The report, called The Power of Unreason: Conspiracy Theories, Extremism and Counterterrorism, says “most notoriously and influentially, the ‘9/11 truth movement’ has questioned the official accounts of 9/11 and has become a large and growing political force.”
The authors note that the 9/11 truth movement is “peaceful”, but make no distinction between the legitimate questioning of the official account of 9/11 and any number of unrelated, and often racist, conspiracy theories.
The Demos report acknowledges that “some conspiracies have turned out to be true. Our institutions and governments have deceived the population to advance hidden and unstated interests”, and goes on to cite Operations Northwoods, the Joint Chief of Staff’s unimplemented plan to stage a false flag Cuban terror attack in 1963, as well as the CIA’s involvement in the Chilean coup of 1973.
But the report is only concerned with limiting the effects of conspiracy theories on operations of the state, not with justice or the accuracy of the historical record. It states:
More broadly, conspiracy theories drive a wedge of distrust between governments and particular communities. Conspiracy theories – such as those that claim 7/7 or 9/11 were ‘inside jobs’ – demolish the mutuality and trust that people have in institutions of government, with social and political ramifications that we still don’t fully understand. This can especially hinder community-level efforts to fight violent extremism.
Demos makes a number of recommendations for governments to combat conspiracy theories, including a call for more government openness.
The report also cites the writings of Cass Sunstein, an Obama appointee who recently called for the “cognitive infiltration” of 9/11 truth groups. The Demos paper in turn calls for government agents to “openly infiltrate” websites and chatrooms in order offer “alternative information” and “plant seeds of doubt”.
The Demos report can be downloaded here.